Thursday, July 30, 2009

convergences, aka kittens inspired by Schoenberg

The above youtube clips came over the transom from different sources the other day. I linked them one after the other on the Facebook and in jest remarked that "The line that connects Guss Visser to Cage and Cunningham is the line from which springs all subsequent American Art." By which I meant the blurring of highbrow and lowbrow upon which I base much of the creative work I do. Sans highbrow, perhaps. Moments later, I discovered, via Jeffrey Cudlin, the twelve-tone kitten work of Cory Arcangel, which proves my thesis in undeniably cuddly fashion. Here is the fruit of the lineage of Visser, Cage and Cunningham:

1 comment:

The Coelacanth said...

ha ha, very true.